A 14 months old infant, the sole survivor of spaceship disaster, is left stranded on an alien planet accompanied only by the level 6 artificial intelligence within the protective suit. The infant and the ai form a symbiotic relationship, both trying to make sense of their destiny and learning to find a way through the strange world they’ve been thrown into.

Detonation -0:02, final execution..
YouAndI_05 by Jonny Benzin
Detonation -0:01
YouAndI_06 by Jonny Benzin
Detonation 0:00
YouAndI_07 by Jonny Benzin
Detonation +0:17
YouAndI_08 by Jonny Benzin
A place to go?
YouAndI_09 by Jonny Benzin
Sensing safety.
YouAndI_12 by Jonny Benzin
A new world.
YouAndI_13 by Jonny Benzin
The right direction.
YouAndI_14 by Jonny Benzin
Entering the organism.
YouAndI_15 by Jonny Benzin
Inside the organism.